Accra, Ghana
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Press Release - GTUC Celebrates 125th Birth Anniversary of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar the Architect of Indian Constitution.

GTUC Celebrates l25'* Birth Anniversary of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar: The Architect of Indian Constitution

Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was a great social reformer and  the  first Law Minister of I nde pendent I ndia. After India attained hcr Independence in August 1947 from Britain, it set upon drafting its own constitution, which came into force in Novc mbci  1949. The Chairman of this drafting committee was   Dr.
/mbedkar, who was an exceptionally talented legal cxpci‘ t as well as an economist, apart from being one of the prominent freedom fighters of I ndia. I4 is contribution to the making of Indian Constitution, which helped shape and guide India into a vibrant democracy today, is immense. I n rccognition of his commendable cfforts and contribution to the developmen I of Modern India, the Government of India conferred on him posthumously, the highest civilian award of the land, Bharat Ratna, in 1990.

J’he High Commission of India in Accra, in collaboration with the Ghana "technology Univcr sity College (C›J“UC), hosted a seminar to celebrate the 125* birth anniversary of this great son of I ndia. The President and Vice Chanccllor of the University, Dr. Osei K. Darkwa was the keynote speaker, who dwelt at length on the life of Dr. Ambedkar, particularly underlining Dr. Ambedkar’s dedication to the cause of social justice and rights of women. Hc drew lessons from the life of Dr. Ambedkar, which are relevant to Ghana’s own development as   a   democratic   nation.

The audience included the faculty and the students of Ghana Technology University College, Government of C hana officials, and some prominent members of the Indian commia nity in Ghana.

15 April 2016