Accra, Ghana
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Celebration of Constitution Day on 26 Nov 2016 in Ghana

Constitution Day' was celebrated at the Multipurpose Hall of the Chancery on 26 November 2016 with the participation of Indian community, students and faculty from educational institutions, representatives of Indian Association and various state associations, participants of the painting and essay competition and officials of the High Commission. The preamble of the Constitution was read out aloud by all India-based officers/staff of the Mission a day earlier i.e. on the 25 November 2016.

2.       Lordship Justice Prof. VCRAC Crabbe (retd.), who has been Supreme Court judge, former Election Commissioner, associated with drafting of 1969 and 1979 Constitutions of Ghana and played leading role in formulation of Constitution of Kenya, Zambia and South Africa, was the Chief Guest for the event. Prof. Mr. Ernest Kofi Abotsi, a senior lecturer and Dean, Faculty of Law at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration was the guest speaker. The Chief Guest acknowledged the influence of the Indian Constitution and informed that entire chapter on local governance in the Ghanaian constitution was modelled along the Panchayati Raj constitutional provisions. He also acknowledged the seminal role played by Justice Bhagwati in formation of South Africa Constitution. Prof. Abotsi dwelt upon various salient features of the Indian Constitution and compared some of the articles with the Ghanaian Constitution. He also appreciated the stellar role by the Indian judiciary in enunciating new concepts and widening the various liberties/fundamental rights contained in the Constitution through their judgments. In his remarks, High Commissioner highlighted the need for the celebration of the Constitution Day through few illustrations and urged the students to be aware of their rights as well as duties. He also thanked the Indian community for the overwhelming response to online essay competition and the painting competition.

3.       The remarks by the speakers were followed by an interactive session with good participation of students and members of Indian Community. The winners of the Essay and Painting competitions were awarded prizes and participation certificates were given to all the participants.

4.       All the paintings received were displayed at th0e venue along with the framed photographs received from XP Division. Mrs. Soma Sen, an Indian Artist based in Accra was roped in to independently evaluate more than 40 entries received for the painting competition, and essays were evaluated by 3 member committee of Mission officers.

5.       The Mission had proactively publicized the Constitution Day celebration and innovative use of social platforms was made to disseminate the information. The online essay and painting competition were announced on 12th November (with deadline of 22nd November for submission of entries) along with information about celebration of Constitution Day on 26th November. The themes of the essay were “The Unique Features of the Constitution of India-300 to 500 words for students of class 6-9” and “Importance of Constitution of India in our everyday life-1000-1200 words for students of Class 10 and above”. Theme for painting competitions was “Constitution of India and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar” for age group of 6-10 years and 10-18 years.

6.       Some photographs taken during the event are attached for kind information and for inclusion in Ministry's social media platforms. These have also been uploaded on Mission's Facebook page (India in Ghana).

26 November 2016