Accra, Ghana
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My Life – My Yoga Video Blogging Contest

All Yoga enthusiasts in Ghana are invited to participate in ‘My Life-My Yoga’ video blogging contest being organised by Ministry of AYUSH and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and win exciting prizes.

The contest supports participation via the social media platforms of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Video contest is open to participants from all countries.

Event details are:

Event Name

My Life – My Yoga Video Blogging contest


31 May 2020 14:00 HRS IST to 15 June 2020 23:59 HRS IST


Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Contest Hashtag

# MyLifeMyYoga<Ghana>

Eg. #MyLifeMyYogaINDIA #FemaleAdult

Contest website

Stay tuned on Yoga Portal ( ) of the Ministry of AYUSH for further details related to processing of entries and announcements of awards.

Contest categories

Female Categories

  • Youth (below 18 years)

  • Adult (18 years and above)

  • Yoga professionals

Male Categories

  • Youth (below 18 years)

  • Adult (18 years and above)

  • Yoga professionals


For each of the above categories:

Stage 1: Prizes to be announced by the High Commission of India, Accra, Ghana

  1. First Prize

  2. Second Prize

  3. Third Prize

Stage 2: Global prizes

Global Prizes will be selected from winners of all the countries. Details will be announced shortly, on the Yoga Portal of Ministry of AYUSH.

Announcement of Prizes

On or before 21 June 2020.

Co-ordinating agency

International Co-ordinator: ICCR

India Co-ordinator: Ministry of AYUSH

My Life My Yoga” Video Blogging Competition

Rules and Guidelines for Contestants

1. Entry Guidelines:

1.1 All entries must be in digital video.

1.2 Each entry must focus on the theme “My Life My Yoga” or “Jeevan Yoga”

1.3 Videos must be uploaded on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter handle of the contestant and then linked to the Facebook page of the Ministry of AYUSH to be eligible for prizes and rewards.

1.2 Facebook entry guidelines

  1. Like and follow Ministry of AYUSH page ( on Facebook

  2. The contestant may opt for either of the following two:

  1. Upload the video on his/her Facebook page and tag Ministry of AYUSH (@ministryofayush) in the description, and also use the hashtag #MyLifeMyYoga<COUNTRY> and category hashtag as per table below Eg. #MyLifeMyYogaINDIA #FemaleAdult

Note: the post should be made public in order to participate in the contest;


  1. The contestant can post the video on Facebook page of Ministry of AYUSH ( with the hashtag #MyLifeMyYoga<COUNTRY> and category hashtag as per table below Eg. #MyLifeMyYogaINDIA #FemaleAdult

  1. Recommended: Share the post with maximum number of people and get maximum number of likes on the video.

1.3 Instagram entry guidelines

  1. Follow Ministry of AYUSH page on Instagram (

  2. Upload the video as an IGTV video page and make your Instagram profile public. Note: The Instagram profile should be public in order to participate in the contest

  3. Tag Ministry of AYUSH (@ministryofayush) in the description and use the hashtag #MyLifeMyYoga<COUNTRY> and category hashtag as per table below Eg. #MyLifeMyYogaINDIA #FemaleAdult.

iv. Recommended: Share the post with maximum number of people and get maximum number of likes on the video.

1.4 Twitter entry guidelines

i. Follow Ministry of AYUSH page on Twitter (

ii. The participant will upload the video on his/her Twitter account.

Note: As per Twitter video guidelines, the video can’t exceed 2:20 minutes. Therefor the contestant would need to ensure that both the yogic practice and the message of the video (as explained subsequently in this document) is properly captured in that duration.

iii. Tag Ministry of AYUSH (@moayush) in the description and use the hashtag hashtag #MyLifeMyYoga<COUNTRY> and category hashtag as per table below Eg. #MyLifeMyYogaINDIA #FemaleAdult

iv. Recommended: Share the post with maximum number of people

1.5. Category Hashtags

Female categories

Category Hashtag

Youth (below 18 years)


Adult (18 years and above)


Yoga professionals


Male categories

Category Hashtag

Youth (below 18 years)


Adult (18 years and above)


Yoga professionals


2. Eligibility criteria: All are welcome to participate in this contest. Use appropriate hashtags as per your country.

3. Competition timelines:

i. Video can be uploaded starting 31st May, 2020 2:00 PM IST onwards. Deadline for entries is 11:50 PM IST on June 15, 2020. In order to participate in this competition, all video submission as per the above-mentioned guidelines must be received by this deadline. Winners will be contacted by June 21st, 2020. Stay tuned on Yoga portal ( for further details related to communication and receiving of awards.

ii. The Ministry of AYUSH / Indian Missions in different countries will reach out to the shortlisted contestants during the period up to June 20, 2020 for verification of any information, if required. The shortlisted entries will be announced and tagged on the respective social media platform where the video was uploaded.

4. Guidelines on video content:

i. Participants shall not disclose their personal identity within the video created (name, caste, country etc.).

ii. It is recommended that video should be made in landscape orientation.

iii. Participants are required to make a video on Yogic practices of duration not more than 3 minutes.

iv. The participant may judiciously include within this 3 minutes duration the video of 3 Yogic practices (kriya, asana, pranayama, bandha or mudra) and a short video message/ description on how the said Yogic practices influenced his/ her life.

5. Award Categories and Prizes:

The competition is proposed to be organized in six categories as below:


Female categories


Male categories


Youth (below 18 years)


Youth (below 18 years)


Adult (18 years and above)


Adult (18 years and above)


Yoga professionals


Yoga professionals

Prizes will be announced in each of the aforementioned six categories:

A. Country specific prizes

i. First Prize – will be announced by the Indian Mission in the respective country

ii. Second Prize – will be announced by the Indian Mission in the respective country

iii. Third Prize – will be announced by the Indian Mission in the respective country

B. Global Prize

Global Prizes will be selected from winners of all the countries. Details will be announced.

Stay tuned on Yoga portal ( and the social media pages of the Ministry of AYUSH for further details related to communication and receiving of awards.

6. Judging process:

Judging will be carried out in two stages viz. shortlisting processes and final evaluation. Entries will be shortlisted based on the video guidelines by Screening Committee and winners will be selected from the short list by a Jury consisting of prominent Yoga experts.

7. Confidentiality:

Your personal information will be kept confidential. The announcements will reveal only the identities of the winners of the competition, with information such as name, age gender, category of award and city. Consent of participants for use of their videos by the Ministry of AYUSH for any promotional activities in future, is inherent and included in their act of submission of their entries in this competition.

8. Other terms and conditions:

  1. The videos uploaded should strictly conform to these guidelines.

  2. Visuals/ words which are erroneous and misleading, and which may provoke communal, obscurantist, anti-scientific and anti-national attitudes will make the entry liable to be disqualified.

  3. The person/ persons in the video should be adequately clothed.

  4. The display of obscene acts and exposures that deem to be indecent will be disqualified

  5. An Applicant will be disqualified from the competition if it is found that he/ she is trying to influence any member of the jury by way of writing letters, sending emails, making telephone calls, approaching in person or any other similar activity in this regard.

  6. Any applicant found to give a false declaration of age is bound to be disqualified.

  7. The decisions of the Screening Committee and the Jury shall be final and binding on all participants. The Jury may seek clarifications on any aspect (including age) of an entry from the participant, and if the same is not furnished within the given time, the entry could be disqualified.

  8. Relatives of employees working in ministry of AYUSH and its Autonomous Bodies will not be considered for the prize.

  9. Videos provided by the Applicant will be deemed confidential and only used for competition or any other promotional purposes by Ministry of AYUSH. Applicants may understand that their consent for use of their videos by the Ministry of AYUSH for any promotional activities in future, is inherent and included in their act of submission of their entries to this competition.

  10. Participants below 18 years of age may get the login ID created by the parents and also obtain the consent of their parents to participate in this category.

  11. Any legal disputes arising out of the competition will be settled in courts of Delhi.

  12. While furnishing information related to shortlisted entries as sought for by the Ministry of AYUSH/ concerned Indian Missions in other countries, the applicant should ensure that complete postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, mobile phone number and fax number (if any) are duly provided.

  13. The cost of making the video is to be borne by the applicant and NO reimbursement for the same will be given by the Ministry of AYUSH.

  14. Participants submitting the videos for the competition are solely responsible for copyright regulations, if any. Their undertaking that the videos don’t infringe on any copyrights or intellectual property rights is inherent and included in their act of submission of their entries to this competition.
