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Green Cardamomum

Elettariacardamomum (L.) Maton

Two categories of Green Cardamom - Alleppeyand Coorg– have been GI tagged.

Alleppey Green cardamom is thevariety which traditionally came from the southern region of Kerala state, Alleppey(presently Alappuzha) having the been the port city from which it was exported in olden days.  It is kiln dried, has a reasonably uniform shade of green colour and is 3 cornered with ribbed appearance. Coorg green cardamom is grown in southwest Karnataka. It is unique in its colour, size, chemical compounds and oil content. The colour range varies from greenish to brown. Its global dry skin can be ribbed or smooth, and pedicels are separated.

In Ayurveda “Green Cardamom” isknown as Sukshma-ela and Elaichii. It is used in treatment of Asthma, Cough and indifficulty in Micturition.